Latest News

Unique Grass Keep Opportunity in mid Wales

An unique opportunity has become available to graziers. Over 2,000 acres of grass keep, which includes open hill, lower fields and two hay meadows, have become available in Powys, through Roger Parry & Partners, for a nominal fee.

Basic Payment Appointments filling up fast

With the 2018 Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) application window now open, Roger Parry and Partners are urging farmers in both England and Wales to book an appointment with one of their expert land management professionals to complete this year’s form as soon as possible.

BPS 2018

BPS 2018 is now upon us, but how can we help you through the process to result in a successful claim?

Celebrating NFU LAS Anniverary with Fees Discount

Roger Parry & Partners, a member of the NFU Rural Surveyors’ Panel, will help celebrate the NFU Legal Assistance Scheme’s 30th anniversary by offering NFU members an extra £100 discount, in addition to the existing £500 discount, making a substantial total contribution of £600 towards the cost of professional advice.

Ask the Expert about this year’s BPS applications

Clare Williams, Surveyor in our Welshpool office, is featured in this month’s ‘The Farmer’ Supplement of the Shropshire Star. In her ‘Ask the Expert’ column Clare answers the question ‘BPS application forms will soon be available to submit for the 2018 claim. What is new this year?