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BPS Appointments Filling Up Fast

With the 2017 Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) application window now open, Roger Parry and Partners are urging farmers in both England and Wales to book an appointment with one of their expert land management professionals to complete this year’s form as soon as possible.

An Englishman’s home is his castle

‘An Englishman’s home is his castle’ or should we be planning to build sand castles on the beach? The old adage of ‘always build off firm foundations’ still rings true, but the shifting sands that are now common place in the planning arena certainly keeps everyone on their toes, and serves to make our task much more interesting!

A Warm Welcome Back to Gail Lewis

Roger Parry and Partners are delighted to announce that Gail Lewis, MRICS, FAAV and a Nuffield Scholar, who is a farmer’s daughter from Llanidloes, Mid Wales, has re-joined Roger Parry and Partners having spent almost four years with Agri Advisor as a Paralegal and Agricultural Consultant.

Poultry Units and Bio mass boiler rooms

Richard Corbett, Partner, and his planning team, Becky Bowen and Rosina Bloor, have been delighted with a number of approvals for large scale poultry units alongside biomass boiler applications during the past 12 months.

Brexit – Food for thought

The main issue, as far as I can see, is between access to the EU single trading market and the control of immigration.
So what is relevant to agriculture?