Mercian House,
9 Darwin Court, Oxon Business Park, Shrewsbury, SY3 5AL
The Estates Office,
20 Salop Road,
Oswestry SY11 2NU
23rd November 2017
>An extension to planning rules announced recently could offer developers, investors and consumer buyers the opportunity to create their dream homes from former light industrial spaces according to rural surveyors and estate agents – Roger Parry & Partners.
>Permitted Development Rights were extended as of 1 October 2017 to allow the change of a building in B1c use to residential. B1c use is ‘light industry appropriate in a residential area’ which could be anything, from a small furniture maker’s factory to a carpenter’s workshop.
>Richard Corbett, Partner and planning consultant with Roger Parry & Partners, said, “The outskirts of many towns across England have pockets of development where former light industrial buildings are just sitting empty in prime locations. Anything over 500 square metres is not covered by the extension but the limit on size makes this the ideal opportunity for smaller developers and individual consumers.
>“There are more than 700,000 sites right now with the potential to be developed thanks to this change to planning law. But there is a time limit on this opportunity – development is not covered after autumn 2020. We have a list of all the sites which are prime for development and our expert team of planners are on-hand to help you through the process. Call us to arrange an appointment on: 01691 655 334.”
>Some points that need to be considered once you have found your dream location: